Brent Redpath

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Brent Redpath

I think too much. Sometimes I take these thoughts and spew them out on the internet for people to read. I never intend to sell or market anything. I intend to do nothing but share my thoughts on topics. I'm interested in music, reading, mental health etc and just trying to be a better and happier person in a world that is completely fucked up and amazing.

March, 2016 2

A Depressed World

Why are my friends so depressed? Why am I so depressed? Why the fuck is everyone so sad? It seems everywhere I turn these days I encounter another tortured soul. Another friend, colleague or casual acquaintance waging a silent war between their ears, against an invisible enemy. People are killing themselves, or at the very least [...]

Brent RedpathBrent Redpath

Death As A Motivational Tool

There is nothing in this universe more powerful to humans than the fear of death. It’s that gigantic elephant in the room. The fact that we are all dying is something us in the west refuse to address. We pretend it’s not there, distracting ourselves with superfluous things and hoping it will go away. We either refuse to think [...]

Brent RedpathBrent Redpath