There is nothing in this universe more powerful to humans than the fear of death. It’s that gigantic elephant in the room. The fact that we are all dying is something us in the west refuse to address. We pretend it’s not there, distracting ourselves with superfluous things and hoping it will go away. We either refuse to think [...]
Brent Redpath
”I’m reactive and it’s fucking me”. Such honesty with oneself, such as the pervious sentence, is what is required in order to change deep seeded issues that plague us and stop us reaching our full potential. You can choose to ignore such things, as many do. Then you let the years trickle by, one after another in [...]
Brent Redpath
The question ”why?” lies at the core of modern mans evolution. It lies in the minds of all children as they come to realise more about the mysterious world in which they find themselves. It lies at the front of the minds of all the greatest thinkers and scientists of our time. Humans are the only species on this blue planet, [...]
Brent Redpath
As I mentioned before there are some quotes that stick with you in life. I guess the depth and breadth in which a quote can be understood really depends on the capabilities of the individual perceiving it, too. Last post I mentioned the importance of persistence and grit – consistently pushing forward to chip away at bad habits and [...]
Brent Redpath
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